TEACHING 3 : The Work of Teaching and the Challenge for Teacher Education
Title and Identity :
The Work of Teaching and the Challenge for Teacher Education
http://jte.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/60/5/497 The online version of this article can be found at:
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Deborah Loewenberg Ball1 and
Francesca M. Forzani1Review
In this article, the authors argue for making practice the core of teachers’ professional preparation. The authors caution that the bias against detailed professional training that often pervades common views of teaching as idiosyncratic and independently creative impedes the improvement of teachers’ preparation for the work of teaching. Visions of better schooling include innovative uses of technology, a much greater emphasis on collaborative work, integrated and problem based curricula, and higher expectations for students. Too often minimized is what such changes imply for the interactive work of teaching and learning. Despite the common view of good teaching as something that is mostly learned through experience, our argument rests on a conception of teaching as unnatural work. The professional work entailed by the practice of teaching is different from the everyday teaching of the sort described above. Despite the familiarity of teaching, many key aspects of this deliberate practice are unnatural; making the transition to becoming a professional requires learning to do things that are not common in daily life and that most competent adults cannot do well. Similarly, reading or writing well is necessary but insufficient to supply the knowledge and skill needed to help others learn to read and write.There is an urgent need to be able to supply teachers ready for the demands of educating our nation’s youth; it is time to lay down our resistance to acknowledging that teaching is hard work that many people need to learn to do well, and build a system of reliable professional preparation.
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