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Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

Teenagers need sex education

Teenagers need sex education: Ahok – After footage of two underage children engaging in sexual intercourse went viral on the Internet recently, Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that it was important that sex education be made available to teenagers.
Ahok said that sex education was needed to teach children about sexuality and reproductive health.
“There are some things that are confusing for parents to teach their children, and sex is one of them. Sex education is needed from a young age,” Ahok told reporters at City Hall on Thursday.
However, he said it would be difficult to officially include sex education in the national curriculum as discussions on sex was considered taboo in Eastern countries.

Teaching tolerance in English Classes

Review : 

Debby Repka's classes not only a knowledge of the language, but a lesson in human consideration and understanding as well. A routine English class is three and a half hours of non-stop training in a wide variety of skills, including speaking, listening, reading,and writing. Issues in Canadian and American culture, including dictations from literary excerpts of difference genres. Debby classes was vital in helping adapt to Canadian society and has to be understood within the context of the cultural differences. Canada is a multicultural society where different cultures manage to live in relative harmony. Ms Repka's    spirit and opinions stem from her own life experiences, which include having been raised in a multiracial community and extensive travel which put in contact with people from widely differences backgrounds.

The use of Edmodo as a medium of e-learning in English lessons to improve writing skills in MAN-Bangkalan

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 This study aims to improve the learning process of writing the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Pleret through Facebook groups in the academic year 2014/2015. This research is action. The steps of this research is reconnaissance, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The subjects were 32 students of class VIII E, an English teacher, and researcher. Data in the form of qualitative data and is also supported by quantitative data. The qualitative data obtained by observing the teaching and learning process, interview students and collaborators, held discussions with collaborators, and take pictures of the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the quantitative data obtained through questionnaires. The instrument used in this study are guidelines for observation, interview, questionnaire and digital cameras. The validity of this study was obtained through five validity, namely, the validity, the validity of the democratic, dialogic validity, the validity catalytic, and the validity of the results. The results showed that use of the Facebook group, handouts, quizzes groups, and awards effectively improve the process of learning to write. Some students also added that learning to write through Facebook groups more interactive and not monotonous.

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LITERATURE 3 : A Pragmatic Study of Exaggeration in British and American Novels

Title and Identity : 
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.7, No.33, 2016
A Pragmatic Study of Exaggeration in British and American Novels
Asst. Prof. Dr. Qassim Abbas Dhayef Al- Tufaili Department of English, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of BabylonFatima Rehman Mkheef Al- Jobori M.A. Student, Department of English, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon

Review :

 This study is to tackle exaggeration in British and American situations taken from Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby novels. From a pragmatic point of view, exaggeration in the field of literature has not been given enough attention. Accordingly, this study is an attempt to develop a model for the analysis of exaggeration pragmatically. This study is an attempt to develop a model for the analysis of exaggeration pragmatically. Exaggeration is a representation of something in an excessive manner to make it more noticeable, or as being larger, better, or worse than it really is. Exaggeration is a common feature of everyday language use. It has an important affective component which is that of describing, understanding, and evaluating an experience. Studying the exaggerated use of language in the field of literature, specifically novels, is a problem which, to the best of the researcher's knowledge, has not been given enough attention, particularly, from a pragmatic perspective. The speech acts through which the exaggeration language occurs in the British novel, Mrs. Dalloway, are: self- criticism, advice, and assertion. In exaggeration, keeping to the politeness principle is very important otherwise the interactans will be considered to be impolite. In this paper, the pragmatic function of emphasis is amounted to (100%) in the British novel, whereas the functions of manipulation and humour are amounted to (66.7%), and (33.3%) respectively in the American novel. This means that the British exaggerate mostly for the purpose of emphasizing things, yet, the Americans more often exaggerate for the purposes of manipulating and humourizing.  Exaggeration can be expressed by any device, that is, it is not particularized only by the devices mentioned in this study which is limited to two novels. The analysis of the data shows that exaggeration is overused so effortlessly in the American English more than the British English.  The developed model has been found to be useful for analyzing exaggeration pragmatically in Mrs. Dalloway and The Great Gatsby.

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LITERATURE 2 : Half Girlfriend: A Novel of Helplessness, Hardships and Success

Title and Identity :
Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics www.iiste.org ISSN 2422-8435 An International Peer-reviewed Journal Vol.28, 2016
Half Girlfriend: A Novel of Helplessness, Hardships and Success 
Mr. Javaid Ahmad Tantry Research Scholar, Barkatullah University Bhopal.Dr. Vikas Jaoolkar (Professor and Head Dept. Of English) Govt. Hamidia P. G. College Bhopal (M. P.)
Review :

Cheatn Bhagat is such a novelist who expresses his profound love for his country through his writing. He portrays such issues in his writing that are very close to modern generation. The novel starts with the interaction between Chetan Bhagat and Madhav Jha in a hotel. The interaction between them inspires the author to convert the story into a novel which is known by the name of Half Girlfriend. The title of the novel suggests that most of the story of the novel revolves around the romantic relationship between the two. Madhav Jha tells the author how he comes to Delhi where he gets admission at Saint Stephens College under sports quota. After the interview he goes out for trial in basket ball lawn and has his look on pretty girl playing in the lawn. Being himself from the same field he gives some suggestions to the pretty girl. Through this way he comes in a contact with Riya. Chetan Bhagat was humorous from his childhood. He used to entertain people in parties using his jokes and no one took him seriously. Once he was advised by one of his relatives to take life and career seriously. It is humorous feature in his personality that made him a great entertainer of the contemporary times. Bhagat’s novels are filled many funny characters representing his funny nature. Madhav Jha tells the author how he comes to Delhi where he gets admission at Saint Stephens College under sports quota. Riya was from Delhi whereas Madhav Jha was from Bihar. Their life was completely different as one was from rural India and another one from urban India. The novel portrays beautifully how they spend time in the college and after that outside the college. The novel also portrays the helplessness of Riya before her family. She wants to be free in her life and no one should come in her way to stop her fulfilling her dreams. Riya looks different type of girl in the novel and looks at things in casual manner. The novel depicts the obsession of Madhav to get his love at any cost. He always tries to cross the limits of his friendship and wants to make Riya to yield what he demands. He looks to have no control over his feelings and emotions in the novel. Whenever he finds Riya close to her he loses control over himself and wishes her to respond as per his wishes. Riya in the novel seems fully a girl of control. The novels take a shift after he gets a letter from Riya in which she declares her love for him. This is the moment of joy and sorrow of his life. But due to helplessness he doesn’t know what to do at this situation. It is shown in the novel that Riya is lady who takes her life in her own way. This makes things more hard for Madhav to understand her and win her hand for ever. From her activities in the novel she does not to be burden on others. The novel shows how his tiredness evaporated when his eyes fall on Riya. She was one of his dream that looks to be fulfilled at this time. Throughout the novel he looks helpless before Riya but with passage of time with his hardships and perseverance he gets success to convince Riya to become his complete girlfriend and then wife. The novel has a good message in the end.

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LITERATURE 1 : The Mind and the Act: A Representation of the Freudian Tripartite Model in Festus Iyayi’s Violence and Alex la Guma’s A Walk in the Night

Title and Identity :
Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics www.iiste.org ISSN 2422-8435 An International Peer-reviewed Journal Vol.28, 2016
The Mind and the Act: A Representation of the Freudian Tripartite Model in Festus Iyayi’s Violence and Alex la Guma’s A Walk in the Night
Idorenyin V. Williams Department of English, University of Uyo, Uyo, P.M.B. 1017, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Review :
This study focuses on the Freudian concept of the tripartite mind as the basis for all human actions or inactions. The human personality is the outcome of the drama acted out in the mind. This is to say that the outcome of every human being is a manifestation of how mental forces interact.  The character of a man is dependent upon which part of his mind dominates and triggers the outcome of his actions. To Sigmund Freud, the mind is in constant conflict within itself and also the cause of every anxiety, unhappiness as well as happiness of man. Based on this research, it can be proven to some extent that the theory accurately describes the working of the human mind and explains the outcome of every human being as being first played out in the mind, owing to the conflict between the component parts of the mind as seen in characters in Iyayi’s Violence and Alex La Guma’s A Walk in the Night. It should be however, noted that both authors apply this technique to develop the themes in their respective novels, such as, theme of violence, oppression, victimization, exploitation, etc as reflected in both works. They achieve this by delving into the minds of the characters and bringing to the fore their deepest fears, desires, tension, anxiety, anger and nursed guilt.

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LINGUISTIC 3 : Identity and interaction: a sociocultural linguistic approach

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Identity and interaction: a sociocultural linguistic approach
Discourse Studies Copyright © 2005 SAGE Publications. (London, Thousand Oaks, MARY BUCHOLTZ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA CA and New Delhi) www.sagepublications.com Vol 7(4–5): 585–614. KIRA HALL 10.1177/1461445605054407UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO

Review :
In this article, reseacher  propose a framework for the analysis of identity as constituted in linguistic interaction. The need for such a framework has become apparent in recent years, as linguistic research on identity has become increasingly central within sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, discourse analysis, and social psychology. Reseacher  believe that the approach was propose here, which draws together insights from a variety of fields and theorists, allows for a discussion of identity that permits researchers to articulate theoretical assumptions about identity often left implicit in scholarship, while avoiding the critiques of this concept that have arisen in the social sciences and humanities in the past two decades. The first principle that informs our perspective addresses a traditional scholarly view of identity as housed primarily within an individual mind, so that the only possible relationship between identity and language use is for language to reflect an individual’s internal mental state.  The second principle challenges another widely circulating view of identity, that it is simply a collection of broad social categories. This perspective is found most often in the quantitative social sciences, which correlate social behavior with macro identity categories such as age, gender, and social class. Within socio- cultural linguistics, the concern with identities as broader social structures is particularly characteristic of early variationist sociolinguistics   and the sociology of language. While the first two principles we have discussed characterize the ontological status of identity, the third principle is concerned with the mechanism whereby identity is constituted. This mechanism, known as indexicality, is fundamental to the way in which linguistic forms are used to construct identity positions. In its most basic sense, an index is a linguistic form that depends on the interactional context for its meaning, such as the first-person pronoun I. Less direct means of instantiating identities include such pragmatic processes as implicature and presupposition, both of which require additional inferential work for interpretation. Different research traditions within sociocultural linguistics have particular strengths in analyzing the varied dimensions of identity outlined in this article. The method of analysis selected by the researcher makes salient which aspect of identity comes into view, and such 'partial accounts' contribute to the broader understanding of identity that we advocate here. Scholars of language use are particularly well equipped to provide an empirically viable account of the complexities of identity as a social, cultural, and – most fundamentally – interactional phenomenon. 

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LINGUSTIC 2 : The Object Called "Language" and the Subject of Linguistics Asif Agha Journal of English Linguistics

Title and Identity :
The Object Called "Language" and the Subject of Linguistics Asif Agha Journal of English Linguistics
2007; 35; 217 DOI: 10.1177/0075424207304240
The online version of this article can be found at: http://eng.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/35/3/217
Published by:
Journal of English Linguistics Volume 35 Number 3 September 2007 217-235 The Object Called “Language”
© 2007 Sage Publications 10.1177/0075424207304240 http://eng.sagepub.com and the Subject of Linguistics
hosted at http://online.sagepub.com Asif Agha University of Pennsylvania

Linguistics is not simply “whatever linguists do.” In fact most of the activities in which linguists engage (e.g., driving to work, paying taxes) never count as linguistics. Activities that count as linguistics are activities oriented to particular objects of study, institutionalized audiences (journals, conferences), units of affiliation (departments, associations), and traditions of inquiry (a reference literature). The writer more specific goal is to invite to consider some problems that emerge when a certain kind of object that exists in our world an everyday, social fact called “language” is epistemically reconstituted by disciplinary agendas that focus on a select number of its features as extractable fractions, and, by taking them as objects of study, seek performatively to constitute themselves as unified disciplines.  In what follows, writer use the determiner-specific expressions “the language,” “that language,” “a language,” “some language,” “any language” as well as the plural “languages” to refer to one or more of the kinds of sociohistorical formations that we ordinarily refer to as Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, or Tagalog. Language in this sense is the business of everyone. All of our affairs are conducted in it, are organized by it, are shaped and enabled through its uses. This has the important consequence that the study of any aspect of human affairs can be illuminated by the study of language, provided that writer have a useful set of models that serve analytically as “bridging constructs” that is, provide a revealing link or connection between some observable feature of language and the realm of human affairs that it informs. Linguists of a certain type might well say, “That’s not linguistics.” But no one cares. For the reciprocal fact is this: the “linguistic turn” is an orientation to the linguistic aspect of human affairs not toward what happens in departments of linguistics.  It is evident that the two epistemic projects I have just discussed both exist as forms of “doing linguistics” today, though in somewhat distinct institutional zones of the twenty-first century academy. I have argued that this institutional context is defined partly by what practitioners in adjacent disciplines pursue as their objects of study. But it is also a context that unfolds as a future through the training of students.

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LINGUISTIC 1 : Linguistic Insights: The Role in the Teaching/Learning of English in Nigeria

Title and Identity :

An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies (LALIGENS) Ethiopia Vol. 4(1), Serial No 9, January, 2015 :65 - 73 ISSN: 2225 8604(Print) ISSN 2227 5460 (Online) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/laligens.v4i1.5
Linguistic Insights: The Role in the Teaching/Learning of English in Nigeria
This paper is an investigation into the role which an adequate knowledge of linguistics can play in the enhancement of teaching/learning of English in Nigeria. The study is necessitated by the undeniable role which English plays in the world, especially in Nigeria, were its instrumental and non-instrumental values have become so compelling in recent times. Linguistics as a recent and rapid growing area of study which has now become widely taught in the 1960’s, is the study of language as a means of communication primarily used by human beings in the society. Linguistics is “a branch of linguistics where primary concern is the application of linguistic theories, method and findings for the elucidation of language problems which have arisen in other areas of experience. For the ESL teacher in Nigeria, linguistic knowledge is of essence if he must impart positively on his learner. It is common knowledge that no one can teach what he does not know, anyone can only teach what he knows. This will bring to light the similarities and differences between the MT and the TL of the learner and so makes it possible to predict, the difficulties that the learners will have. The overall implication of contrastive analysis is that the findings will enable the teacher to determine what to teach. Linguistics offers the ESL teacher the veritable tool of enabling him to teach language in socio-cultural contexts. By that is meant that language is not taught in isolation, but rather it is taught in relation to literature and culture. The ESL teacher should avail himself of current research findings locally and internationally with a view to keeping abreast of linguistic issues. The ESL teacher in Nigeria should not only avail himself with linguistic information, but should also apply such knowledge into concrete classroom situation for the benefit of the learner. Governments should device a means of adequately funding the existing language research bodies and institutions with a view to enabling them meet set objectives. 

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TEACHING 3 : The Work of Teaching and the Challenge for Teacher Education

  Title and Identity :

The Work of Teaching and the Challenge for Teacher Education

http://jte.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/60/5/497 The online version of this article can be found at: 

Deborah Loewenberg Ball1 and
Francesca M. Forzani1

In this article, the authors argue for making practice the core of teachers’ professional preparation. The authors caution that the bias against detailed professional training that often pervades common views of teaching as idiosyncratic and independently creative impedes the improvement of teachers’ preparation for the work of teaching. Visions of better schooling include innovative uses of technology, a much greater emphasis on collaborative work, integrated and problem based curricula, and higher expectations for students. Too often minimized is what such changes imply for the interactive work of teaching and learning. Despite the common view of good teaching as something that is mostly learned through experience, our argument rests on a conception of teaching as unnatural work. The professional work entailed by the practice of teaching is different from the everyday teaching of the sort described above. Despite the familiarity of teaching, many key aspects of this deliberate practice are unnatural; making the transition to becoming a professional requires learning to do things that are not common in daily life and that most competent adults cannot do well.  Similarly, reading or writing well is necessary but insufficient to supply the knowledge and skill needed to help others learn to read and write.There is an urgent need to be able to supply teachers ready for the demands of educating our nation’s youth; it is time to lay down our resistance to acknowledging that teaching is hard work that many people need to learn to do well, and build a system of reliable professional preparation.

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TEACHING 2 : Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning: Teaching Research Methods

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Anna Ya Ni California State University–San Bernardino

Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning: Teaching Research Methods

Review :

By comparing student performance measures and assessments of learning experience from both online and traditional sections of a required graduate public administration research methods course taught by the same instructor, this paper provides evidence that student performance as measured by grade is independent of the mode of instruction. Persistence in an online environment may be more challenging in research methods classes than in other public administration classes. online enrollment rates are expanding at much faster rates than traditional classroom enrollment growth; specifically, in higher education. This research explores the key issues of online, as compared to classroom, learning and compares the major dimensions of learning effectiveness of the two cases. This study focuses on the multi section experience of one instructor in a research methods course in a public administration program. An important component of classroom learning is the social and communicative interactions between student and teacher, and student and student. Student-to-instructor and student-to-student interactions are important elements in the design of a Web-based course because learners can experience a “sense of community,” enjoy mutual interdependence, build a “sense of trust,” and have shared goals and values. The purpose of this study is to compare student performance in online and face-to-face classes in terms of interaction and efficacy in a public administration class. This study uses student performance records from the six classes as well as student survey responses from two (one online and one face-to-face) of the six classes. Students’ participation in the survey was anonymous and voluntary. To compare the effectiveness of interaction, the online students also were asked to evaluate the different aspects of interaction as compared to their previous classroom experience. Although most of them perceived no change regarding the different aspects of interaction and learning experience, more students concluded that the online experience was better than that of the traditional classroom instruction. Given that knowledge of online learning effectiveness in public administration education is very limited, this research intends to explore the critical issues related to online learning effectiveness rather than to provide strong empirical evidence supporting theoretical arguments. The findings have several implications for student learning, course development, and curriculum design. Online interaction can be used to enhance learning, especially for students who tend to be reserved in the classroom setting. This approach, in turn, will contribute to the training of online instructors in methods and the designing of educational support programs that allow students to succeed in the online environment.  

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TEACHING 1 : A Holistic Approach to Learning and Teaching Interaction: Factors in the Development of Critical Learners

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A Holistic Approach to Learning and Teaching Interaction: Factors in the Development of Critical Learners

Nandish V. Patel Brunel Business School Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middx, UB8 3PH nandish.patel@brunel.ac.uk www.brunel.ac.uk/~csstnvp
© 2003 Nandish V. Patel 1
The International Journal of Educational Management 17 (6/7) 272-284


The author independently developed the Holistic Approach to Learning and Teaching Interaction (HALTI) over nine years of reflective teaching practice in the field of information systems and computing across three higher educational institutions. It aims to make learning a process of self-improvement that explicitly recognizes the self and the social context of learning and teaching, and recognizing the needs of the individual learner in the interaction. It aims to make learning a process of self-improvement that explicitly recognizes the self and the social context of learning and teaching, and recognizing the needs of the individual learner in the interaction. The result of practicing the holistic approach has been sustained high levels of student attendance at lectures and seminars, improved progression, and appreciative and satisfied cohorts. The HALTI approach has been developed over nine years of reflective teaching practice. The approach consists of five intertwined aspects of the teaching situation that reflects a rich social dynamics: knowledge, self, professional and personal development, discipline, and learning and teaching. The pragmatic argument for practicing the holistic approach is that it attracts students to lectures, seminars, and tutorials and improves the levels and quality of interaction between the student and teacher. As student retention and progression are issues of concern among admissions tutors, any contribution to improving attendance and learners' interest is likely to be welcome by decision-makers. Excellence in the discipline and learning and teaching aides alone will not guarantee student attendance. The holistic teacher's interpretations of a student's self may be wrong, leading to assertions that harm the student's confidence. In assessing whether a learner has internalized taught material, an incorrect judgement might be made that creates anxiety in a student. Weaker students cannot interact at the first three aspects (knowledge, self, and personal development) because they struggle at the discipline aspect. But the approach is sheer joy with confident and able students.

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Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

Sherlock Holmes The Hounds of The Baskerville Devil Dog

Sherlock Holmes
The Hounds of The Baskerville 
Devil Dog

Hasil gambar untuk Sherlock Holmes The Hounds of The Baskervilles Devil Dog

One morning there was a tall and skinny with a high nose named Dr. James Mortimeter to the Office of Sherlock Holmes. He intends to take his staff left and ask for help Holmes solve a case.
Dr. Mortimeter brings an old manuscript containing the legend of the Baskervilles statement. The legend that tells the story of the curse of the Baskervilles had killed family men Baskervilles for centuries. But any murder happen, there is always a large creature resembling a dog but is bigger than the dog standing over his corpse.
Dr. Mortimeter asks for counsel to Sherlock Holmes what should he do against Sir Henry Baskerville who will arrive at Waterloo Station one and a quarter hours away. Holmes suggested that pickup Sir Henry Baskerville and back again the next day at ten.
The next day, Dr. Mortimeter back with Sir Henry Baskerville. After they sat down, Sir Henry Baskerville issue the envelope on the table. From within that envelope contained a piece of paper that reads:
"If You assess the high life keep you from the swamp"
After reading it, Holmes prohibits Sir Henry Baskerville went to Baskerville Hall because maybe he is being followed. However, Sir Henry remained by forcing. Finally any Holmes allowed him but he forbade him to go alone, especially to the area of the swamp. They then went back to the hotel. Holmes and Watson are preparing ready because they were invited to lunch by Sir Henry. They followed him and spying on a man with a thick black false beard. But they failed because the people they follow has been riding the train. Then, they went into one of the offices of the service delivery of the message to find the instructions. Sherlock Holmes and Watson went to Hotel Northumberland to meet the promise of lunch. Finished your meal, Sir Henry invites them to Baskerville Hall on Saturday.
They went to the Basskerville Hall with trains and a few hours later arrived at Baskerville Hall. Then they stay there and the next day Watson walk around Baskerville Hall. As he was walking the street, there was a dsari called him back. Were it was Stapleton,. He knew the name of Watson because was told by Dr. Mortimeter. He is a lover of nature. Stapleton invited Watson to his home. His home is near the swamp bog at Merripit House. The House was surrounded by the forest, but has been cut short and trimmed meanders beneath. In it there is a collection of insects that he collected from different regions. After talking a lot with Stapleton, Watson back to Baskerville Hall. But when on the road, he was surprised to find the sister of Stapleton, Miss Stapleton has been sitting on a lump of rock, on the side of the trail. He pressed his hands near his body. It turns out that he delivered that Sir Henry Baskerville should return to London.
Miss Stapleton said that her sister and she was deeply shaken by the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. They know Sir Charles well, because he likes to cross the swamp the swamp toward our House. He was very impressed with the curse that haunts his family, and when this tragedy befell, already reasonably Miss Stapleton feels there's a reason over fears that expressed. Therefore, he felt awful when other family members came about to settle down here. He feels he should be warned against the dangers facing it. He then went back to his house and Watson soon back to Baskerville Hall.
During the Baskervile Hall, Watson sends the report to Holmes (who went to Baskerville Hall is Watson, Dr. Mortimeter, and Sir Henry Baskerville, while Holmes did not enter). The first report is about the inmates who fled into the swamp the swamp, but because it was not found the warders consider they have left. And about a neighbor who took her and Henry Baskerville to the place which is considered the beginning of the legend Hugo Baskerville was evil. While both reports is about his adventures together with Sir Henry pursue evil inmates who escaped in the swamp.
Then, on the next night Watson visited a remote shack near the swamp. But it turns out there's not anybody who's in it. He just found a piece of paper that reads "Dr. Watson went to Coombe Tracey." He thought it might actually he is being followed by a mysterious man. He pause, and soon there was the sound of a step closer. Turns out it was the Holmes!
When they're talking the talk, they hear the sound of screams. Spontaneously they pursue sound and they see a beautiful corpse face-down. Originally they thought that the corpse was Sir Henry Baskerville, but after they saw his face as it turns out she is actually Selden. Criminals who fled were killed. All of a sudden came the original Stapleton, he also thought that it was Sir Henry and got shocked. But after told that the corpse is corpse Selden, he returned. Because there is no other way to deal with the corpse, they closed the corpse and leave it until the morning. Then they go back to the Hall and asked for permission to go to London.
They went to the home of Frankland, a detective Holmes refer to handle this case. Then the three of them went to Meripit House and keep an eye on the House. In it there is only Sir Henry and Stapleton. Yet when they are being watched, there is thick fog which approached them. They shy away from it and the mist after they found a safe place to shelter, a dog, a large black but not like a dog attacked Sir Henry. Luckily those with sprightly shoot living creatures to death so that Sir Henry was not killed. They also found Mrs. Stapleton bound in the bedroom, and when she was released, she told them the place hideaway Stapleton near Great Grimpen Mire. And the dog is actually hidden in the Stapleton property Grimpen Mire. They went the next day to find him, and they found him lying lifeless with injuries due to Coyote predation.
In fact, Stapleton was a son of Rodger Baskerville, the younger brother of Sir Charles, who fled bring a bad reputation to South America, he got married and had a child, whose real name is equal to the name of his father. My son is married to Beryl Garcia, one of the prettiest women in Costa Rica and, after fooling the public money, he changed his name to Vandeleur and fled to the United Kingdom and founded a school in East Yorkshire sebela. The reason for trying this field was that he happened to meet with a teacher on the way home, and uses the ability of these people to achieve success. But then, Fraser, died teacher and the school that was originally famous for good, his reputation plunged. Vandeleur couples realize better changed its name to Stapleton, and he brought the rest of his wealth, plan the time of front, and his taste against the United Kingdom South to entomology.

Conclusions: the perpetrators of the murder cases it was Stapleton
Advice the author: A cruel murderer would die a cruel way anyway
Main characters: Sherlock Holmes
Character: Quiet, courageous, friendly, and attentive staff in the face of a problem
The main helpers: Watson
Character: polite, gentle language, full of calculations

Source : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-MtYYZmN1gfZlFwSjRySW8xdFk